Beautiful view over national park Tsingy de Bemaraha, a UNESCO world heritage site in Madagascar
Tsingy de Bemaraha
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Madagascar Vacations

Madagascar: The Island Nation with Rich Biodiversity

Madagascar, the 4th largest island in the world, is situated off the southeastern coast of Africa. This island nation is quite known for its unique wildlife, which has evolved in isolation. Traditionally, the economy has been based on cultivating paddy rice, coffee, vanilla, and cloves.

Madagascar is anything but ordinary.

Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot that's basically nature's VIP section. This island doesn't mess around—it has more unique species than anywhere else on Earth. Also, around 1,000 critters, the rockstars of the animal kingdom, chilling here, and not found anywhere else on the planet. Many of them belong to endemic families and genera, making them even more one-of-a-kind.

At a Glance
LanguagesFrench, Malagasy
CurrencyMalagasy Ariary (MGA)
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"Aerial cityscape of Antananarivo with a view of Tana stadium "
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Land of Mystery and Magic

All visitors to Madagascar require a visa. You can apply for a visa before you travel or get one at the port of entry if you are staying for less than three months. The tourist visas are good for up to 90 days, and business visas are valid for up to five years. You will also need a passport that is valid for six months from your date of entry.

Beautiful Baobab trees at sunset at the avenue of the baobabs in Madagascar

The Culture

Madagascar is a land of mystery and magic, where the ancient traditions of Africa and Asia collide. The rich and vibrant culture, with a deep respect for ancestors and the natural world. The people are warm, welcoming, and always eager to share their culture with visitors. If you're looking for an unforgettable travel experience, Madagascar is the place for you.

Head to the countryside in Madagascar, and you'll find the heartbeat of traditional living and politics. Here, a council of wise male elders holds the reins, making most decisions. But here's the twist: many young folks aren't too thrilled about this setup. They feel a bit overshadowed and see limited economic opportunities in their villages. This discontent is a major driver behind the trend of rural-to-urban migration, as these young minds seek a different path in search of new opportunities and perspectives.

Interestingly, natural history has been told as a cautionary tale, a paradise lost to human greed and folly. The island is often imagined as a pristine wilderness for millions of years, only to be disrupted by the arrival of humans.

In this view, pre-human Madagascar was a static place, and all changes to the environment since then have been caused by humans. However, recent research has shown that this view needs to be more concise. Madagascar has always been dynamic, and its ecological history is complex. Humans have not caused all environmental changes, and some have benefited the island's biodiversity. And this is why you will be welcomed when you start your Madagascar vacations.

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